Using purchase order financing gives you the ability to fulfill all your sales orders, even those that exceed your normal volume or scope. 100% financing of your supplier costs frees up your cash for critical business expenses allowing you to deliver bigger orders. All you need is a PO from a credit worthy commercial or government client to get started.
The Benefits of Pendleton Capital Purchase Order Finance (PO Finance):
- The ability to buy inventory and grow sales without being limited by existing capital.
- Allows companies to grow without increased bank debt or selling equity.
- Helps ensure timely deliveries to customers.
- Increase market share.
- Allows companies to make larger profits by fulfilling larger orders.
- Fast flexible funding.
- Provides overseas manufacturers assurance to start production of goods
- Helps companies in a turnaround.
- Helps when seasonal sales spikes strain cash flow.
- Satisfies your customers’ demands.

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For more information and pre-approval, call us at (713) 808-9746, or simply complete our online application by hitting the APPLY NOW button.